Designed & Delivered
Custom Silos
Being such a large-scale manufacturer, Nelson always has stocks of standard silos ready for delivery. You can usually have them erected anywhere you want.
Our freight radius systems ensure cost efficient delivery any where in NSW, QLD, VIC and SA regardless of where the silo actually originates (WA - Industrial silos only).
But Nelsons service and flexibility doesn’t end there!
Nelsons computer design programs can tailor a silo to suit just about any dry bulk storage application from grain legumes, feed and pellet storage for livestock to cement, lime, rubber and sawdust or stainless steel silos for polymers, flour and sugar.
There is now an increased demand for Nelson Silos from the manufacturing sector, purpose built silos in mild or stainless steel designed for a particular application.
“With the efficiency of building the silos at Nelsons centrally located factories, they can be delivered on time, and at a fixed price.”
All Nelson industrial silos either meet or surpass any relevant Australain Standards Association design codes such as ASA 1657 for ladders and catwalks and ASA 3774 Loads on Bulk Solids Containers.
Inlet and outlet couplings can be engineered to suit specific filling and conveyor systems.